Monday, 21 October 2013

fmap Images in OBIEE 11g

To use OBIEE in 11G

Insert the images in C:\OBIEE11g\Oracle_BI1\bifoundation\web\appv2\res\s_blafp\images

syntax fmap:images/imagename.jpg

Saturday, 12 October 2013

[nQSError: 75005]

[nQSError: 75005] Failed to send AUTH command. 5.7.8 Error: 
authentication failed: UGFzc3dvcmQ6    
...Trying SMTP Delivery loop again... Sleeping for 3 seconds.    
[nQSError: 75005] Failed to send AUTH command. 5.7.8 Error:
This error is a result of entering the wrong password for the 
stmp username and password. Correct these in enterprise manager. 
If the mail server does not need authentication has been used before, 
follow the following procedure to delete the stored values:
In enterprise manager go to weblogic domain and expand it
right click bifoundation_domain and select security
select credentials
delete the mail entry

and you are sorted...Till next time!!!

OBIEE AgentID:_portal/ODI EXECUTIONS/TEST Exec [nQSError: 75027] Failed to open connection to SMTP Server (

To resolve this problem in OBIEE:

telnet 25 

see the response that you get. If your mail server requires authentication then go to
  1.  enterprise manager:
  2. >> Business Intelligence
  3. >>Coreapplication
  4. lock and edit 
  5. deployment
  6. mail and enter the following:
    1. smtp server :
    2. port: 25
    3. display sender: what ever you want 
    4. username: emailid
    5. password: password
  7. Click Apply
If your mail server does not use authentication please look at my next post. 

Thursday, 7 March 2013


Battling with ODI JDK issues on a 64 bit machine in Windows. When Installing use the 64 jdk and point it to the jdk folder. After installing open the following folder and change the odi.conf file as follows:

Change the 'setJavaHome' to point to the x86 jdk as below:

Then you are good to go!!! 

Monday, 18 February 2013

Oracle Table Synonym in Information Design Tool

Battling with using Synonyms in IDT upgrade to SP5 Patch 5:

Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer\oracle

Look for oracle.sbo and edit it with notepad

Look for : <Parameter Name="Include Synonyms">False</Parameter>

Change this true and save: <Parameter Name="Include Synonyms">True</Parameter>

Restart Services and then you are Good to go!!!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Adaptive Job Server Fails to Start disabled BO 4.0/ BOBj Release 4

Facing problems with the BO 4.0 Adaptive Job Server, here is the solution. Create a new server node and name it what ever you want. Copy the cluster and paste it on the new server node after adding your db connection. After doing this create a new job server in CMC and add all required services and enable it and start it. Good to go!!!!

Monday, 13 August 2012

Upgrade is recommended to the latest (Build 120104.0800 64-bit) catalog version.

In instance.config add the following:

In NQSconfig:


Restart BI services